Hey guys. Here are some pictures from Nik's b-day party. It was a great night. I went to bed about 2:45 that night. Same night as "depressing post" happened. lol. Or col. Whatever you prefer. Hah. Anyways, it was Mr. Cole, most of the Paul family, the Hansens, The Auths, and Chloe and Sacha. Any questions, you know what to do!
Mr Cole is taking Nik's place on the couch.
PIE!!! There were two of these.
Zack. The Blackjack/21 dealer.
Autumn being a responsible college student.
COFFEE!!! A whole case of it.
Fail hiding from the camera much Ross?

Zack, Hannah, and The Growing Board.
Again, coffee.
And.........CANDY!!! YAHOOO!!!