Thursday, March 22, 2012

Take a gander. tell me what you think.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


"Is there anyone who can see, anyone who will care? Anyone who will listen, is there anyone that dare? Anyone who can sense the pain, the hurt and the fears? See the torn heart and see past all the tears? See the soul so frail, wounded beyond full repair? See thru the "No, i'm fine, nothing is wrong. I'm all good, seriously, so just move along." See thru the defenses and walls, the self-preservation and resolve; really see the person inside, the true wonder and beauty of it all."

-J. T. M.

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Moon rises. Obscured by clouds. wind whispering, leaves, falling on the ground. Clouds move, like smoke in the wind. Shifting, hiding, racing again. Memories wisk past, emotions fading fast. But rise again, stronger, higher, potent with power: to heal, to resolve, to mend. Love, springs forth again, from a seed, blown by the wind. And there it rests, deep in the soil. determined to grow, no matter the toil. Like the sun sets, and the moon rises, so love is steady, yet always surprises."

-J. T. M.